Saturday, December 26, 2009


(re: the title - my Macbook thinks it's a word, so don't judge.)

I thought I would have time for this shit. I was so wrong. But I'm gonna try harder next semester, cuz down the line, I'll probably be interested in what I thought way back now.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

An exclusive club

How can a theatre department have so few gays? I think there are a total of five, including myself and two of my professors. For the arithmetically challenged, that means only two other students. I don't know whether to cry, "WTF?" or "FTW!"

Friday, August 14, 2009


I spent the evening tonight (err... last night) with my counterpart, the other first-year directing candidate. Her name is Maggie, and she lives in another building of the same apartment complex. It was wonderful getting to know her, her boyfriend, and her mother a little bit better, and it was surprising how much we have in common - specifically, how much we're both really into musical theatre. I would expect a program with only two students to select individuals with diametrical interests in order to fully diversify their pool. On the other hand, I am very glad to have a partner-in-crime who is cut from the same cloth.

I'm a little jealous over how much nicer her apartment is than mine! I want closet doors with full-length mirrors, and a washer/dryer! Suddenly my poorly-lit basement looks like a freaking dungeon!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


What is the best way to deal with a rare but habitual string of petty, passive aggressive insults from one of my employees? I'm a strong proponent of a fun workplace environment and team camaraderie, and, while her behavior unarguably works against both, I fear that confronting her about something relatively minor is likewise counter-productive. She is by far the hardest worker on my staff, and the box office would not be running nearly as well without her. I praise her for this often. Nevertheless, there still seems to be a chip on her shoulder when it comes to authority (regarding both me and much moreso with my boss); everyone is a clueless loafer except for her.

I also am trying to make sure that I approach this from a professional, administrative perspective, despite my natural inclinations to take things personally. If it does become necessary to address the issue with her, I will need to take extra precautions to ensure that our conversation remains official/detached.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Tim moved in today. It was a wonderful surprise to return home from work and discover in my apartment a television, a microwave, and a roommate. Tim is in the same program as I, but will be entering the acting track. We've talked briefly about some plays and about theatre in general, and I look forward to more. Until we started chatting, I didn't realize how eager I am to discuss theatre with someone! I just keep reading, and my poor mind has had to keep my reactions completely bottled up!

After the requisite unpacking, we went out for a bite at "Chick's Lips," where their specialty is the "chicken lip" (hooray for small town America), and then went for a short walk and returned home for some more unpacking and some Daily Show. I repeat... it will be so nice to have someone to talk to at the end of the day. I'm sure it'll also be strange, on those days when I need a little space. But for now, I am overjoyed to be one baby step closer...

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Why blog? There's something egotistical about preaching one's thoughts on the internet. The very premise acclaims the blogger so fascinating and profound that his ideas are worth sharing. It presumes not only that his acquaintances would care to read his prattle, but that strangers, thousands of miles away, will find some worthy reason to delve into his ideology. The sheer vanity of it!

I've read several blogs that reek of such arrogance. Contributors and commenters snipe back and forth, initially with principled courtesy. Soon, though, the argument deteriorates from its lofty origins to petty insults about improper grammar and tactless phrasing. So many bloggers use their sites as bully pulpits for their demagoguery, proclaiming their own (and obviously correct!) opinions and silencing the (laughably idiotic!) opinions of others.

I am not blogging for these reasons. I plan to disabuse no one. While I certainly find the concept of public discourse via the internet appealing, it unfortunately seems in practice to fall short of its purely theoretical ideals.

So why blog? Well...

I am about to begin a three-year graduate program in directing for theatre. This will likely be the most enlightening experience of my life. By far. From my conversations with current students and alumni of the program, I have gathered that the workload will be onerous. Artistically, I will be engaged in projects constantly. I will aspire to embody an indefatigable work ethic, an exacting attention to detail, and a spartan lifestyle just to survive. I will likely (and begrudgingly!) eschew any type of social life. If you're considering asking me on a date, I'm free in June 2012.

Having just moved from New York City (pop. 13 million) to Macomb, Illinois (pop. 20k... including the 13k students), I'm undergoing severe culture shock, and I believe it will get worse before it gets better. Once the semester begins and the expectations of unremitting creativity are in place, I assume the time will come when I feel the creative block of isolation. I envision myself pounding my head with my fists, cursing the theatre gods for blessing me with this wonderful program that just happens to be located several hours from civilization in a gargantuan corn field. And when that time comes, and I'm bitterly glaring at my receptionless cell phone, I will be glad to be able to talk to strangers on a blog. I will gratefully accept the opportunity to bounce ideas back and forth online, if not in person. I will rely on technological social networking, for it will be my sole option.

And I'll probably blather about plenty of silly fluff, too :)